电脑游戏 英文

电脑游戏 英文


Most parents and teachers think it is a bad thing to play computer games.They think it is a waste of time and money.Playing too many computer games is also bad for children’s eyes and health. However,computer games can also bring some benefits.They can help people in many ways if people spend proper time on it.Some computer games can improve people’s ability of thinking.They can make people think in different ways.Playing computer games can also help people be familiar with the keyboard.If people are familiar with the keyboard,they can type fast. More and more people begin to disign educational CD-ROM.They want go any people to gain some knowledge while they are playing computer games. 大多数家长和老师认为玩电脑游戏是件坏事,他们觉得这是时间和金钱的浪费。

过度地玩电脑游戏也会损害孩子的眼睛及健康. 然而,电脑游戏也可以带来一些益处.如果玩游戏的时间适当,人们还是能够以很多方式从中受益。



熟悉键盘,打字就会很快. 越来越多的人开始设计制作教育光盘.他们想让人们在玩电脑游戏的同时学到一些知识.


Computer Game–neither Good nor Bad Itself With the development of the national economy, computers are no longer much of a luxury for most of the Chinese families in cities, which has laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of business in computer games in recent years. Since computer game has dominated the life of many people, especially the young, parents and teachers cry out against it. However, in my humble opinion, it is meaningless to debate whether or not computer game is detrimental, since computer game itself is neither good nor bad; it is totally at our disposal. Being an indispensable side-product of IT industry, computer game has been burning its way into the fabric of social life. Obviously, the appliance of three dimensions and special sound effects has turned the plain gaming process into a visual and audio feast that we have never been to before. In addition, the brand new experience of playing another role in games is so vicarious and gratifying that when playing, people tend to immerse themselves thoroughly into the virtual world. It can definitely be a good entertainment and recreation, as long as it is taken in moderation. Computer-gaming binge is absolutely dangerous, but in that case, it is not the games to blame.


1.we can relax ourselves by playing computer games after study for a long time.(长时间学习后放松自己)2.playing computer games can sometimes help develop our intelligence and the ability to solve various kind of problems.(锻炼智力和提高解决各种问题的能力)3.since too much computer games may do harm to our study or health, so,we need to limit the time for computer games,to some degree,it can improve our self-control ability and discipline`(提高自我控制和管理能力)4.we can makes friends from different places while playing computer games.(广交朋友)5.we can have a lot fun and enrich our tedious life..(从中得到乐趣和丰富我们乏味的生活。

) ^-^好处暂时只想到这些。


《侠盗猎车手:圣地安列斯》口语是地道的美国现代口语,对话超多(玩任务),还可以学学骂人,哈哈 比上一代有很大进步:可以游泳(5555太好了).乱飞车,还增加了武器,地图扩大10倍以上,没车到哪里都不可能…. 反正就是超棒,不过哦,你要是为了学还是不要玩…CJ太会骂人了..呵呵 还有就是合金装备:潜龙谍影,对话中可以很好的学习英语!!! 游戏中还有很多搞笑因素,玩起来一点也不乏味,画面超好,也很简单,随便找个人都能过关(要难也很难)!!强烈推荐!!!!!!!


参考:Computer games are very popular with young people, but they are also controversial. For example, opponents argue that they are harmful to brain development, cause children to neglect reading and encourage violent or anti-social behaviour. Supporters, however, claim that the games help to develop advanced thinking skills and are often played cooperatively rather than alone. What is the truth of the matter? Your task in this assignment is to find out.You must explore the list of webpages below and make notes about the information contained in each. Then, using your notes you can make up your mind about whether computer games are good or bad. You will be required to present your arguments as an essay.You may find the table below useful for taking notes as you read. (You will be graded on your note-taking as well as your essay.) It is acceptable to do some cutting and pasting, but please remember that you are supposed to be taking notes! You can cut and paste, but then reduce the points until they are notes, not sentences. 网页参考http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,539166,00.html"?the level of brain activity was measured in hundreds of teenagers playing a Nintendo game and compared to the brain scans of other students doing a simple, repetitive arithmetical exercise. To the surprise of brain-mapping expert Professor Ryuta Kawashima and his team at Tohoku University in Japan, it was found that the computer game only stimulated activity in the parts of the brain associated with vision and movement. In contrast, arithmetic stimulated brain activity in both the left and right hemispheres of the frontal lobe – the area of the brain most associated with learning, memory and emotion. Most worrying of all was that the frontal lobe, which continues to develop in humans until the age of about 20, also has an important role to play in keeping an individual’s behaviour in check. Whenever you use self-control to refrain from lashing out or doing something you should not, the frontal lobe is hard at work. Children often do things they shouldn’t because their frontal lobes are underdeveloped. The more work done to thicken the fibres connecting the neurons in this part of the brain, the better the child’s ability will be to control their behaviour. The more this area is stimulated, the more these fibres will thicken. The students who played computer games were halting the process of brain development and affecting their ability to control potentially anti-social elements of their behaviour."Here is the same information in note form (you may copy it if you wish):Jpn. researchNintendo game only stimulated parts of brain associated with vision and movement Arithmetic stimulated both left and right hemispheres of the frontal lobe – associated with learning, memory and emotion (including control of anger) \ playing computer games may limit brain growth and lead to anti-social behaviourPlease keep a record of the sites you have used for your research. You will need to include these in a bibliography at the end of your essay.NOTE: The following webpages are not sorted into "for"/"against" or any other kind of categories. You must decide for yourself how to categorise the information.Webpages to exploreHow computer games can be bad for your brain http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/hstories/hr161004.htmVideo games "stimulate learning"http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/education/newsid_1879000/1879019.stmComputer games are good for you!http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/uk/newsid_1879000/1879361.stmComputer games pose injury riskhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_243000/243589.stmVideo game playing may fulfill innate human needhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070118/hl_nm/video_game_dcComputer games stunt teen brainshttp://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,539166,00.htmlThe Internet and computer games reinforce the gender gaphttp://www.apa.org/monitor/oct00/games.htmlThe quest to end game addictionhttp://www.wired.com/news/holidays/0,1882,48479,00.htmlVideo game addiction"http://www.theparentreport.com/resources/ages/preteen/kids_culture/130.html"Texas A&M Prof Studies Video Games’ Effects On Kidshttp://www.tamu.edu/univrel/aggiedaily/news/stories/00/101700-6.htmlDoom with a viewhttp://technology.guardian.co.uk/online/story/0,3605,678207,00.htmlGender Stereotypinghttp://www.media-awareness.ca/english/parents/video_games/concerns/gender_videogames.cfmViolent media is good for kidshttp://www.motherjones.com/reality_check/violent_media.html


电脑游戏computer gamePC game (Personal Computer Game)我喜欢电脑游戏。

I like computer games电脑游戏(Personal computer games, Computer games 或 PC games)是指在电子计算机上运行的游戏软件。


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