Exploring the Difference Between Dragon and Elder Dragon in League of Legends


In the popular online multiplayer game, League of Legends (LoL), dragons play a significant role in the game’s objective and strategy. Two types of dragons, the standard “Dragon” and the more powerful “Elder Dragon,” are sought after by players. Understanding the differences between these dragons is crucial for LoL players who want to gain a competitive edge and secure victory.

The Dragon: A Key Battleground

The Dragon is a neutral monster located in the bottom side of the Summoner’s Rift map. It is the earliest and less powerful of the two dragons. The Dragon spawned at the start of every game and respawns every 5 minutes after being slain. Killing the Dragon grants significant advantages to the team that defeats it.

Benefits of Killing the Dragon

When a team successfully defeats the Dragon, several benefits are granted:

  • Gold: The team that defeats the Dragon receives a substantial amount of gold, aiding in purchasing powerful items and improving their overall strength.
  • Experience: All members of the team earn experience points, allowing them to level up their abilities and become stronger in the game.
  • Dragon Buff: The team gets a permanent stackable buff called “Dragon Slayer” after killing the Dragon. This buff grants increased damage to minions and monsters, providing a push advantage for the team.

The Elder Dragon: The Ultimate Objective

The Elder Dragon is a more formidable version of the Dragon. It is not present on the map at the start of the game and only spawns after the 35-minute mark. Defeating the Elder Dragon grants significant and game-changing benefits.

Benefits of Killing the Elder Dragon

Acquiring the Elder Dragon brings the following game-changing advantages:

  • Demonic Ascension: The team that slays the Elder Dragon receives the “Aspect of the Dragon” buff. This buff empowers all Dragon Slayer buffs previously acquired by the team, making them even more potent. It lasts for a limited time, putting the team in a significantly advantageous position during team fights.
  • Elder Immolation: The “Aspect of the Dragon” also adds an “Elder Immolation” effect to damaging abilities and attacks. This effect burns enemies’ health based on their missing health, dealing massive damage and potentially turning the tide of battles.


In League of Legends, understanding the differences between the Dragon and the Elder Dragon is vital. The standard Dragon provides gold and experience bonuses, as well as the important Dragon Slayer buff. On the other hand, the Elder Dragon, appearing after the 35-minute mark, offers Demonic Ascension and Elder Immolation buffs, turning the tide of battles and securing victory. Mastering the art of dragon control and strategic timing is essential for LoL players looking to climb the rankings and dominate their opponents.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and gain a deeper understanding of the important distinctions between the Dragon and the Elder Dragon in League of Legends. By utilizing this knowledge, you can enhance your gameplay strategy and improve your chances of victory in the game!

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