求《夏洛特的网》大概100字的主要内容 (中英文)(包含主要情节)

Impressions after reading Charlotte’s WebCharlotte’s Web is a wonderful and entertaining book,which written by E B.White.It mainly talks about the friendship between a spring pig and a spider.A spring pig,just a simple pig wants to see the winter snow.But it should be killed at the Christmas dinner.The pig lived in the farm,where also lived many other kinds of animals,such as horses,cows,geese,a rat and a spider.And who is Charlotte It is the spider.At first,when the little pig came into the house,other animals didn’t like him,except a spider.She asked him be quiet so that she could work hard at night,and she would like to make friends with the pig.It made the pig so happy that he had a nice sleep.And then they became good friends.The pig told the spider that his dream,then the spider promised that she would help him to make his dream come true.In the way she made some miracles to make people know the pig cannot be killed.At last,the pig saw the winter snow but the spider died.However,the pig knew the spider was always living nearby him.The spider said that she wasn’t the maker of those miracles but the pig was,because of the friendship,the great friendship.It is so moving.So remember we also can make miracles as long as we make more friendship with others.Let’s make the world more friendly,more harmoniously.How to make friends with others?What should we do about it?I think the spider,Charlotte ,has given us a good example.In order to stop the pig,who named Wilbur,from being killed at Christmas dinner,Charlotte has the idea of writing words in her web extolling Wilbur’s excellence,such as “some pig”.Thanks to Charlotte ‘s efforts,Wilbur not only lives,but also goes to the county fair with Charlotte and wins a prize.Charlotte ’s action holds the point of view that it is widely accepted that helping others and doing others good should be encouraged.That means it is a great pleasure to do others a favor when they are in trouble.I can’t agree more with the spider’s action,because I felt pleased and satisfied at heart every time when I managed to help others.Sometimes anyone in society may get stuck and need assistance,and at this time people around shouldn’t be mean to do them a favor.As a consequence,to construct a harmonious society,the demand of the spirit of helping others is restless.As long as we put our heart to help others,we will make more friends with others.Only in this way can we make a harmonious society.印象后阅读夏洛特的网夏洛特的网是一个奇妙而有趣的书,通过E B.白色的书面.它主要谈春猪和蜘蛛之间的友谊.一个春天的猪,只是一个简单的猪希望看到冬天的雪.但它应该被杀死的圣诞大餐.猪住在农场,哪里还住着许多其他种类的动物,如马,牛,鹅,一只老鼠和一只蜘蛛,.夏洛特是谁?它是蜘蛛.起初,当小猪进了屋,其他动物不喜欢他,除了一只蜘蛛.她问他安静下来,这样她就可以上班,晚上努力,她想使猪的朋友.猪太高兴了,他有一个很好的的睡眠.然后,他们成了好朋友.猪告诉蜘蛛,他的梦想,那么蜘蛛的承诺,她会帮助他,使他的梦想成真.她的方式做了一些奇迹,使人们知道猪不能被杀死.最后,猪看到冬天的雪,但蜘蛛死了.然而,猪都知道蜘蛛总是生活在附近的他.蜘蛛说她是不是这些奇迹的制造者,但猪的友谊,因为,伟大的友谊.它是如此的动人.所以请记住我们也可以创造奇迹,只要我们做出更多与他人的友谊.让我们使世界变得更加友好,更加和谐.如何让与他人交朋友吗?我们应该做些什么呢?我认为,夏洛特的蜘蛛给了我们一个很好的例子.为了阻止名为威尔伯,猪,圣诞大餐被杀害,夏洛特的想法写在她的网站的话,赞美威尔伯的精益求精,如“养猪”.夏洛特的努力下,威尔伯不仅生活,但也与夏洛特县公平,并赢得奖金.夏洛特的行动持有的角度来看,它已被广泛接受,帮助别人,做别人的好,应该鼓励.这意味着它是一大乐事,做别人的麻烦是,当他们在一个有利于.我可以不同意与蜘蛛的行动,因为我觉得在心上高兴和满意,每次当我设法帮助别人.有时在社会上的人可能被卡住,需要援助,并在这个时候周围的人不应该是等于做他们的忙.因此,构建和谐社会,帮助他人的精神需求是坐立不安.只要我们把我们的心去帮助别人,我们将与其他更多的朋友.只有这样,才能使社会更加和谐.

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