


你把设置调低一点~ ———18轮卡车穿越美国基本操作——- Driving Controls(驾驶控制)Key Action Spacebar 空格键 Toggles the parking brake on and off – make sure you release your parking brake before you start!启用或停用手刹—在起步之前要确保你已松开手刹 E Starts and stops your truck’s engine 发动或熄灭你卡车的引擎 ↑ Accelerator 油门 ↓ Brake/reverse 刹车/倒车 ← Turn steering wheel to left 左转 → Turn steering wheel to right 右转 C Engages the truck’s cruise control 启用卡车的自动车速控制 M Hold to engage the truck’s motor brake 按住以启用卡车的机动刹车 A Moves up a gear 进档 Z Drops down a gear 减档 [ Left direction indicators toggle on/off 开/关左转向灯 ] Right direction indicators toggle on/off 开/关右转向灯 W Windscren-wipers toggle on/off 开/关雨刷 H Activates the truck’s horn for however long you keep the key depressed 按多久喇叭就响多久 J radio 播放机 Home End leftmirror + – 左后视镜角度调校 Page Up PageDown rightmirror + – 右后视镜调校 M Show/Hide Map 右上角小地图开关 F10 Screenshot 截图功能 Camera Viewpoints(游戏视角)在游戏中你可以选择不同的视角,大多在某种情形下会派得上用场。

要选择一个视角,请按以下的一个键: Key Camera Viewpoint Description 1 Inside Camera 车内视角 Gives you a view from the inside of your cabin.给你一个车舱内的视角 2 Tail Camera 车尾视角 Shows a view from directly behind your truck, from the end of the trailer, if one is attached.展示了一个车后的视角,而如果你拉有货物的话,则是拖车后的视角。

3 Top Camera 顶部视角 Gives you a top-down view from directly over your vehicle. This is very useful for backing up to a trailer.给你一个从上俯瞰的视角。


4 Cabin Camera 车舱视角 Gives you a forwards view of the road from just above your cabin-roof.给你一个向前的视角,位置就在你的车舱顶。

5 Free Rotate Camera自由旋转视角 This is the camera-viewpoint you start any new game with. An external view, it allows you to pan around your truck by sliding the mouse left and right.游戏刚开始时就是这个视角。


6 Back Camera 向后视角 Great for reversing, this view is just like the Tail Camera (2) but it spins around to in front of your vehicle when you are reversing.倒车的时候很好用。


7 Bumper Camera 保险杠视角 This puts the viewpoint on the front bumper, and is the closest viewpoint to the road of all.这个视角位于你的前保险杠,是最靠近道路的视角。

8 Drive-by Camera 过路者视角 Shows a view of your truck from a would-be road-side onlooker. Great for showing off your new paint job!展示一个路边观看的人的视角。


哪有开大卡车的 游戏

这款游戏是:18轮卡车-穿越美国简介:18轮大卡车:穿越美国(18WheelofSteel:AcrossAmerica)- ”18WheelsofSteel-AcrossAmerica其实是harktrunk18wheelsofsteel的新版本,疯狂驾驶大卡车穿越美国。






操作:T 装车D 卸货M 地图(如果进到某个城市里面,会有该城市的小地图)H 喇叭N 大地图、管理画面(装备卡车、雇用司机等)空格手刹V 车台Z 手动减档A 手动加档E 点火开关(也可以使车辆熄火)[ 左转向灯] 右转向灯L 前灯F2 切换后视镜F5 加油F6 时车辆维修J 车内音响F9 (半途油料耗尽或车辆卡住时)呼叫911,注意要花2000美元啊!F10 抓屏(截图)数字1到7是7个不同的视角方向箭头控制车辆的行驶方向 希望对你有帮助,呵呵!

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