the note游戏

the note游戏


The note work is one of the our life’s ,The note work is influence is two-sided ,It has both good and bad,The network to people’s life or job especially students life brings a lot of convenience People can search in the network all they want ,nformation,news,.but it also is bad ,it can be bad for you .Playing computer games can make the person wallow in ,Affect thereby learning .every bady ,Let us take advantage of network, a network host .


参考:Computer games are very popular with young people, but they are also controversial. For example, opponents argue that they are harmful to brain development, cause children to neglect reading and encourage violent or anti-social behaviour. Supporters, however, claim that the games help to develop advanced thinking skills and are often played cooperatively rather than alone. What is the truth of the matter? Your task in this assignment is to find out.You must explore the list of webpages below and make notes about the information contained in each. Then, using your notes you can make up your mind about whether computer games are good or bad. You will be required to present your arguments as an essay.You may find the table below useful for taking notes as you read. (You will be graded on your note-taking as well as your essay.) It is acceptable to do some cutting and pasting, but please remember that you are supposed to be taking notes! You can cut and paste, but then reduce the points until they are notes, not sentences. 网页参考,6903,539166,00.html"?the level of brain activity was measured in hundreds of teenagers playing a Nintendo game and compared to the brain scans of other students doing a simple, repetitive arithmetical exercise. To the surprise of brain-mapping expert Professor Ryuta Kawashima and his team at Tohoku University in Japan, it was found that the computer game only stimulated activity in the parts of the brain associated with vision and movement. In contrast, arithmetic stimulated brain activity in both the left and right hemispheres of the frontal lobe – the area of the brain most associated with learning, memory and emotion. Most worrying of all was that the frontal lobe, which continues to develop in humans until the age of about 20, also has an important role to play in keeping an individual’s behaviour in check. Whenever you use self-control to refrain from lashing out or doing something you should not, the frontal lobe is hard at work. Children often do things they shouldn’t because their frontal lobes are underdeveloped. The more work done to thicken the fibres connecting the neurons in this part of the brain, the better the child’s ability will be to control their behaviour. The more this area is stimulated, the more these fibres will thicken. The students who played computer games were halting the process of brain development and affecting their ability to control potentially anti-social elements of their behaviour."Here is the same information in note form (you may copy it if you wish):Jpn. researchNintendo game only stimulated parts of brain associated with vision and movement Arithmetic stimulated both left and right hemispheres of the frontal lobe – associated with learning, memory and emotion (including control of anger) \ playing computer games may limit brain growth and lead to anti-social behaviourPlease keep a record of the sites you have used for your research. You will need to include these in a bibliography at the end of your essay.NOTE: The following webpages are not sorted into "for"/"against" or any other kind of categories. You must decide for yourself how to categorise the information.Webpages to exploreHow computer games can be bad for your brain games "stimulate learning" games are good for you! games pose injury risk game playing may fulfill innate human need games stunt teen brains,6903,539166,00.htmlThe Internet and computer games reinforce the gender gap quest to end game addiction,1882,48479,00.htmlVideo game addiction""Texas A&M Prof Studies Video Games’ Effects On Kids with a view,3605,678207,00.htmlGender Stereotyping media is good for kids


自动加满你的机器人可以通过修改机器人的配置文件来实现,具体方法:进入d:\games\cs1.5\cstrike\podbot(举个例子,比如我的CS是安装在D盘的games文件夹下),找到podbot.cfg,用记事本打开,找到addbot这几个字,这是一条命令,每执行依次就会增加一个机器人,你会看到默认有7个addbot,就是你建好网后自动添加7个机器人,如果要自动加满机器人,就写31个addbot进去吧,修改后整个podbot.cfg如下:# This is the Pod-Bot Config File (for HL Counter-Strike)## Any line begining with ‘#’ in the first column is a comment line## Make sure no Line exceeds 80 Characters !!!## The following commands are supported in the bot.cfg file:## All arguments in square Brackets are optional if you don’t# specify them a random value will be chosen## pause – pause for the specified number of seconds before# continuing with the commands in the bot.cfg file.## min_bots – configure the minimum number of bots that will run# on this dedicated server.## max_bots – configure the maximum number of bots that will run# on this dedicated server.## minbotskill – Sets the minimum Skill if Bots are created without# specifying the Skill (0-100)# maxbotskill – Sets the maximum Skill if Bots are created without# specifying the Skill. Must be bigger than minbotskill# of course !## botchat – Turns on/off Botchatting. Bots chat if they killed# someone, if the Bomb was planted or if they are dead# and bored. NOTICE: BotChat.txt must be there even if# Botchat is turned off !## addbot [skill] [team] [name] – Adds a Bot using a Skill from 0-100,# team is 1 for Terrorists, 2 for Counter Terrorists and 5 to# use auto-assign, name is of course the name for this Bot# If you don’t specify the arguments, a random skill will be# chosen and the Bot will be auto-assigned with a Name he chooses# randomly from "Botnames.txt". You can edit this File to add some# names you like better ! NOTICE: Don’t delete BotChat.txt ! It will# be used !### jasonmode – Turns on/off Jason Mode ! Meaning Bots don’t buy# weapons and only use the knife for combat ! Greets# to Auxois ! (Thanks for hosting btw.) Use this for# much fun with e.a. cs_estate or cs_office### wptfolder – Sets the default Folder for loading/saving Waypoint# Files. This folder HAS to be inside the POD-Bot# Directory ! Don’t put it into quotation marks and# don’t use spaces or a trailing backslash !## detailnames – Turns on/off the Skilldisplay behind names and the# [POD] before the name## inhumanturns – If you think that a Skill 100 Bot is too weak for# you, you can turn this on to have that unfair# turning from previous versions again. Note that# this overrides the turn amounts in botskill.cfg# # botsfollowuser – Sets the maximum number of Bots in the team to# follow the same user (when Radio Command# "Follow Me" is used). Default is 3## maxweaponpickup – Sets the maximum number of weapons Bots are# allowed to pickup during a round## collectexperience – Turn this on/off to allow the Bots collecting# experience about the map they’re playing# (turning this off also prevents saving the# .exp Files)## shootthruwalls – This Variable specifies if Bots are allowed to# shoot through Walls if they saw an enemy or if# they heard someone on the other Side of a Wall## usespeech – Turns on/off usage of HL Engine Speech Synthesis # Any other commands in the bot.cfg file will be treated as server# commands. For example, you can use "map mapname" (without the quotes)# to select a specific map, or you can use "mp_forcerespawn 1" to turn# on force respawn, or "kick # 1" to automatically kick player number 1.## This sets the Waypoint Folder (in the POD-Bot Directory)# for loading/saving waypoints. Don’t use a trailing backslash or spaces.# This doesn’t work for the first game you create (default is wptdefault).# But when creating for the second time (or loading with newmap) this# directory will be used. wptfolder wptdefault#wptfolder wptcs71# Set the below option to off to turn off the Skilldisplay and# the [POD] before the name detailnames on## wait for 3 seconds pause 3# Remove the comments on the 2 lines below to support a minimum and maximum# number of bots running on a dedicated server. Bots will be added to the# server until the total number of players (bots and humans) reaches the# max_bots value. Each time a new player joins the server, a bot will be# kicked from the server unless there are only min_bots number of bots# currently on the server. After players disconnect from the server, bots# will be automatically added back to the server until the total number# of players reaches max_bots again. You should …








combine 物品结合 separate物品分离 Stage 1 7 colors of the key 物品有:note,bunch of keys,diary 1.一串钥匙先在separate 做分散 2.纸条上有158的数字,对照日记158是紫色 3.使用紫色的钥匙开门出去 Stage 2 Get a strike 物品有:key note a bundle of waste paper 地下室找到:Knife 1.note 会获得保险箱的密码并获得hammer 2地下室,用小刀割墙上的海报,之后用槌子敲墙,得到Key 3刚拿到的那把key打开保险箱,会出现一个游戏 S代表数字正确,位置正确,B代表数字正确,位置不正确,有十次机会,需猜中3个数字,猜对就能出去 Stage 3 the secret of sound 物品有hammer,capsule,camera,water bottle,LP record,lighter,sodium 隔壁房间cheese 1.separate 分散相机与底片胶卷 2.拿底片胶卷丢进壁炉,打火机点燃,上方出现了四个红色字母,就是保险箱密码,打开后发现火药 3.combine 上结合 胶囊,火药,水,做成轻型炸药 4.炸药进时钟下的老鼠洞,炸出一面墙后,使用槌子敲墙,敲出一个洞后,走进隔壁房间 5到隔壁房间后,把胶盘唱片,放到音响上,发出声音,吓老鼠 6走回原本房间,放cheese到另一个老鼠洞,在separate分散老鼠跟钥匙 7拿到钥匙开门出去 Stage 4 there is no key 物品有dust cloth ,pliers,blade,paper,book 地下室battery romote control 1,使用钳子拔出桌子的刀片,在combine上把抹布与刀片 结合 2使用这把克难小刀,割墙上梵谷自画像,拿到一张纸条,纸条上有密码,能打开保险箱,拿到一本书 3书上得到楼下保险箱的密码,书上叫你用相反方向看那4个红字,得到四个密码数字 4在楼下开保险箱,拿到摇控器,在combine上把摇控器与电池结合,开门出去 Stage 5 i can hear the sound of the wind 物品有hammer, chalk,key,screwdriver,knife 1.拿槌子敲地板,敲出一个小洞后,在敲一次,会出现楼梯 2下楼后拿到钥匙后打开柜子,拿到螺丝起子 3拿起子拆电脑主机壳,拿到小刀 4在combine上把小刀使用在粉笔上,变成粉笔末 5把粉笔末洒在门上的密码锁上,沾有粉末的就是密码,排对顺序就能出去 Stage 6 the weight of ice 物品有tape,hammer,electronic card,pipe,valve 3 liter cup 5 liter cup 1把胶布黏在窗上,拿槌子敲玻璃,拿到电子卡 2敲玻璃柜,拿到开关阀,之后用电子卡开门去楼下 3把一节水管接到天花板上的水管上,开关阀接上去,开水,等等要在这边用量杯装水 4墙上有字,说需要4 KG,才能开门 5所以在combine上用3公升的杯子与5公升的杯子,弄出一杯有4公升的水(倒来倒去,加法减法) 6把4公升的水拿去冰箱结成冰块,在在separate分开冰块与杯子 7把4kg的冰块,放到秤子上,开门出去 Stage 7 the key is behind of somewhere 物品有magnifying glass,magnet,poster,wire 1用道具放大镜对锁孔,发现有东西卡住 2把海报平放在门下 3用铁丝对锁孔,把卡住的东西弄下来,在转一下把手,钥匙掉下来,开门出去 Stage 8 turn the volume up 物品有note pencil ruler cd case key screwdriver 1在separate分散四片CD片 2在combine铅笔跟纸条上结合,得到一段文字,得知时钟是key 3拿尺,在铁柜底下翻出工具箱钥匙,打开工具箱拿到螺丝起子 4在combine 使用螺丝起子分散时钟,得到11片数字卡 5把CD片依顺序放进音响,听到长短声密码,对照墙上的密码表(用放大镜),转换成4个数字 6.把数字放进地下的凹槽,开门出去 Stage 9 Medal of the secret 物品有torn tube,air pump,hummer,knife,sunglasses,cola,gift box,medal box,tape,medal*4 1在separate 把礼物打开,在combine用刀子把熊画开,得到奖牌#4 2在combine上破水管用胶带封起来,放在书柜跟衣柜中间缝隙中,用打气筒,把管子称大,拿到奖牌#3 3在separate 把太阳眼镜分散,拿到镜片,把红色镜片放在一个大头机器的凸出的小管上,射出红色光线, 在光线射中的地板上,用槌子打地板,拿到奖牌#1 4翻书得到奖牌#2,在combine上把四块奖牌组合在箱子上 5使用组合完的奖牌箱,出现一个大大小小的三角形,数出来三角形数量,正确的话,就拿到一把生锈的钥匙 6用可乐洗一下钥匙,然后使用钥匙打开门出去 (三角形数量是0064) Stage 10 the door is in flames 物品有toothpaste,wire,gane,a lump of beeswax 1在地下室用柺杖,得到持磁铁 2在combine上,把磁铁跟铁丝组合起来 ,之后把那东西丢进壁炉中,勾出铁板 3用牙膏把铁板弄乾净,看到密码,把密码打进一楼的保险箱,得到灭火器 4把灭火器灭掉璧炉的火,进能出去了 Stage 11 make magnets 物品有hummer,claw hummer,lentern,diary,copper wire 1用槌子把雕像打破,拿到铜线 2把另一把细长的鎚子,拿来拔墙上的大头钉(在雕像跟柜子中间上方) 4在separate上把手电筒跟电池分开 5在combine上把电池,铜线跟大头钉组合起来,把那有铁有电的东西丢进房间地板砖块处,拿到钥匙, 钥匙打开墙上保险箱,拿到红色电子卡 6打开日记,里面写到>>礼物来自圣诞老人7把蓝红电子卡,放进门的左右两槽,开门 Stage 12 find Z 物品有beer,note,key,cutting machine,knife 1在地板上找到纸条#1,在combine上用小刀把熊画开…


Game rules:1、props: Chair (dining chair); music amplifier (the referee to solve their own)2、 the game the way: start the game first chairs round (according to the number of minus one calculation, namely 6 pendulum 5)。

then each team personnel outside the stool surrounded by a circle。

the referee playing music participants along a circular clockwise or counterclockwise running (note not to jump the queue, the command of the referee).3、when the music pauses, participants to quickly grab a chair to sit down,。

did not grab the chair of the contestants to be eliminated, and then come up with a chair, followed by analogy, selected the final winner.本义:指导与要求我们如何玩游戏的内容就是游戏规则。



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