sub 游戏

sub 游戏


sub是软盘镜像文件 可用WINIMG打开 不过现在有一种字幕文件的后缀也是sub sub是字幕文件,把它们和avi文件放在同一个文件夹里,并把这个字幕文件的文件名(除扩展名外)改成和avi文件同一个名字,然后播放avi文件就会自动加载这个字幕文件,就可以看到字幕了 sub为字幕文件,装了VobSub 后,打开播放器后自动加载成字幕。



Private Sub Form_Load() Text1.Text = "100" ‘我方剩余士兵 Text2.Text = "170" ‘对方剩余士兵 Text3.Text = "180" ‘对方剩余士兵 Text4.Text = "200" ‘对方剩余士兵 Text5.Text = "500" ‘金钱 Text6.Text = "170" ‘武将血量 Text7.Text = "120" ‘武将血量 Text8.Text = "150" ‘武将血量 Text9.Text = "151" ‘武将血量 End Sub Private Sub command1_click() If Text1.Text MsgBox "无法攻击!" Else:Do Text1.Text = Text1.Text – 5 Text2.Text = Text2.Text – 10 Text6.Text = Text6.Text – 10 ‘你的攻击力暂定为200 Text7.Text = Text7.Text – 5 ‘你的攻击力暂定为200 Loop Until Text2.Text = "0" Or Text7.Text = "0" MsgBox "本轮进攻胜利!" Text5.Text = Text5.Text + 500 End If End Sub Private Sub command2_click() If Text1.Text MsgBox "无法攻击!" Else:Do Text1.Text = Text1.Text – 10 Text3.Text = Text3.Text – 10 Text6.Text = Text6.Text – 10 ‘你的攻击力暂定为200 Text8.Text = Text8.Text – 10 Loop Until Text3.Text = "0" Or Text7.Text = "0" MsgBox "本轮进攻胜利!" Text5.Text = Text5.Text + 300 End If End Sub Private Sub command3_click() If Text1.Text MsgBox "无法攻击!" Else:Do Text1.Text = Text1.Text – 20 Text4.Text = Text4.Text – 10 Text6.Text = Text6.Text – 10 ‘你的攻击力暂定为200 Text9.Text = Text9.Text – 10 Loop Until Text4.Text = "0" Or Text7.Text = "0" MsgBox "本轮进攻胜利!" Text5.Text = Text5.Text + 700 End If End Sub Private Sub command4_click() Text1.Text = Text1.Text + 100 Text5.Text = Text5.Text – 50 If Text5.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "没钱了!" If Text1.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "没兵了!" End If End If End Sub Private Sub command5_click() Text6.Text = Text1.Text + 300 Text5.Text = Text5.Text – 100 If Text5.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "没钱了!" If Text6.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "没血了!" End If End If End Sub Private Sub command6_click() Text6.Text = Text1.Text + 1000 Text5.Text = Text5.Text – 500 If Text5.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "没钱了!" If Text6.Text = "0" Then MsgBox "没可买的了!" End If End If End Sub Private Sub command7_click() MsgBox "城市名;洛阳 黄金500 兵马170 守城大将张飞!" End Sub Private Sub command8_click() MsgBox "城市名;长安 黄金400 兵马180 守城大将孙权!" End Sub Private Sub command9_click() MsgBox "城市名;合肥 黄金700 兵马200 守城大将姜维!" End Sub Private SubIf Timer1 = "0" Then MsgBox "台风来啦!" Text1.Text = Text1.Text – 100 Text5.Text = Text5.Text – 100 End sub 三国志







电脑知识网推荐 当然在支持DVI接口的同时也不要一味的否决D-Sub,其实我们关注DVI接口主要是认为“DVI数字接口在图像画面中的表现效果”。





对对碰游戏 VB源程序代码

‘在Form中必须有以下控件:’对对碰图片数组(请自行加入):image1(0)-image1(9)’当前图片:image2(0) (=image1(0))’当前关口: lblLevel(label)’另外label控件还有:lblLink、lblMsg、lblNextScore、lblNowScore、lblScore’把下面代码复制到Form内即可。

Option Explicit Dim Rows As Integer Dim Cols As Integer Dim Level As Long Dim Score As Long Dim picNothing As Image Dim pic() As Long ‘图片对应序号 Dim sel() As Boolean ‘图片被选状态 Dim NowLink() As Long ‘图片被选后对应序号 Dim High() As Long Dim selected As Boolean ‘当前选择状态 Dim col As Long Dim CountLink As Long Private Sub Form_Load() Rows = 10 ‘总行数 Cols = 10 ‘总列数 DrawBoxs Image2, 4, 92, Rows, Cols ‘画控件数组 End Sub’开始游戏 Private Sub Image3_Click() AutoRedraw = 0 Image3.Visible = False init End Sub’初始化随机排列物件 Sub init() Level = 0 Score = 0 lblNowScore = Score NewLever End Sub’规划窗体,物件数组从上往下,从左往右布置’参数调用:ImageBox-image控件数组(image(0)必须已定义),Mleft-起点坐标X;Mtop-起点坐标Y;’ Mrows-总行数;Mcols-总列数 Sub DrawBoxs(ImageBox As Object, Mleft As Integer, Mtop As Integer, Mrows As Integer, Mcols As Integer)’—初始化数组 ReDim pic(Mrows * Mcols – 1) ReDim sel(Mrows * Mcols – 1) ReDim High(Mcols – 1)’—画控件数组 Dim i As Long For i = ImageBox.UBound To 1 Step -1 Unload ImageBox(i) Next For i = 1 To Mrows * Mcols – 1 Load ImageBox(i) ImageBox(i).Left = Mleft + (i \ Mrows) * ImageBox(0).Width ImageBox(i).Top = Mtop + (i Mod Mrows) * ImageBox(0).Height Next’showhelp End Sub’显示帮助 Sub showhelp() ‘ 创建信息。

lblMsg = " 【游戏简单说明】" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _ & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "●鼠标点击任一物件,自动选中相连的同种物件.再次点击选中的物件,便可消除." _ & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "●聚集更多的物件一次性消除后可以得到更多的分数." _ & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "●消除时上部的物件会往下填补空缺." _ & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "●当某列全部为空时,右侧的物件会整体往左移动一列填补." _ & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "●当物件不再有相连时,会根据剩余个数考虑是否加分.剩余越少,加分越多." _ & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "●目前分数不少于过关分数时,会进入下一级别继续游戏,否则游戏结束重新开始." End Sub’进入新关 Sub NewLever() Dim i As Long lblMsg.Visible = False Level = Level + 1 Randomize For i = 0 To Image2.UBound pic(i) = Int(Rnd * 5) Image2(i) = Image1(pic(i)) Image2(i).Visible = True Next col = Cols – 1 For i = 0 To Cols – 1 High(i) = Rows – 1 Next CountLink = 0 lblLevel = "级别" & vbCrLf & Level lblNowScore = "目前得分:" & Format(Score, "@@@@@@") lblNextScore = "过关分数:" & Format(Level * (Level + 4) * 500, "@@@@@@") selected = False End Sub’选取物件并作相应处理 Private Sub Image2_Click(Index As Integer) If pic(Index) = -1 Then Exit Sub ‘如果点击的是已消去的空格,则不作处理,退出 ReDim NowLink(0) CountLink = 0 linked Index selected = True If sel(Index) Then dele Else Reset Index End Sub’消除物件 Sub dele() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim k As Long If CountLink = 1 Then Exit Sub ‘如果只有一个选中,则无效,不作处理,退出 For i = 0 To UBound(NowLink) sel(NowLink(i)) = False ‘清除选中标记 pic(NowLink(i)) = -1 ‘图片对应序号设为无 Next For i = 0 To col ‘清空图片后,上面的图片往下掉 For j = (Rows – 1) – High(i) To (Rows – 1) If pic(i * Rows + j) = -1 Then For k = j To Rows – High(i) Step -1 pic(i * Rows + k) = pic(i * Rows + k – 1) Next pic(i * Rows + (Rows – 1) – High(i)) = -1 High(i) = High(i) – 1 End If Next Next For i = col To 0 Step -1 ‘清空图片后,右边的图片往左移 If High(i) = -1 Then For j = i To col – 1 For k = 0 To (Rows – 1) pic(j * Rows + k) = pic(j * Rows + k + Rows) Next High(j) = High(j + 1) Next For j = col * Rows To col * Rows + (Rows – 1) pic(j) = -1 Next col = col – 1 End If Next For i = 0 To (Rows * Cols – 1) ‘刷新经过上述调整后的图片 If pic(i) = -1 Then Image2(i) = picNothing Else Image2(i) = Image1(pic(i)) End If Next Score = Score + CountLink * (CountLink + 2) * 5 lblNowScore = "目前得分:" & Format(Score, "@@@@@@") selected = False lblLink = "连接:" lblScore = "分数:" isLink End Sub’重新选取物件 Sub Reset(Index As Integer) Dim i As Long For i = 0 To UBound(NowLink) sel(NowLink(i)) = False Image2(NowLink(i)) = Image1(pic(NowLink(i))) Next ReDim NowLink(0) CountLink = 0 linked Index End Sub’标记相连的物件 Sub linked(Index As Integer) Image2(Index) = Image1(pic(Index) + 5) ‘当前图片背景为灰 sel(Index) = True NowLink(UBound(NowLink)) = Index CountLink = CountLink + …

vb程序设计 猜数游戏

Dim a As ByteDim b As Byte ‘回车次数Private Sub Command1_Click()Randomizea = Int(Rnd * 100 + 1)Command1.Enabled = Falseb = 0End SubPrivate Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)If KeyAscii = 13 And Command1.Enabled = False ThenIf b = 10 ThenLabel2.Caption = "运气真差!请重新出题!"Text1.Enabeld = False Command1.Enabled = TrueExit SubEnd IfIf Val(Text1.Text) = a ThenCommand1.Enabled = TrueLabel2.Caption = "正确"ElseIf Val(Text1.Text) < a ThenLabel2.Caption = "太小"b = b + 1ElseIf Val(Text1.Text) > a ThenLabel2.Caption = "太大"b = b + 1End IfEnd IfEnd Sub


贪吃蛇Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)Dim C As LongIf KeyCode = 27 Then EndIf KeyCode = 32 Then If Timer1.Enabled = True Then Timer1.Enabled = False Label1.Visible = True Else Timer1.Enabled = True Label1.Visible = False End IfEnd IfC = UBound(She)If GFangXiang = True Then Exit SubSelect Case KeyCodeCase 37 If She(C).F = 2 Then Exit Sub She(C).F = 0 GFangXiang = TrueCase 38 If She(C).F = 3 Then Exit Sub She(C).F = 1 GFangXiang = TrueCase 39 If She(C).F = 0 Then Exit Sub She(C).F = 2 GFangXiang = TrueCase 40 If She(C).F = 1 Then Exit Sub She(C).F = 3 GFangXiang = TrueEnd SelectEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Me.AutoRedraw = TrueMe.BackColor = &HC000&Me.FillColor = 255Me.FillStyle = 0Me.ScaleWidth = 24Me.ScaleHeight = 24Me.WindowState = 2Set Timer1 = Controls.Add("VB.Timer", "Timer1")Set Label1 = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "Label1")Label1.AutoSize = TrueLabel1.BackStyle = 0Label1 = "暂停"Label1.ForeColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)Label1.FontSize = 50ChuShiHuaEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Resize()On Error GoTo 1:With Me If .WindowState 1 Then .Cls .ScaleMode = 3 HWB = .ScaleHeight / .ScaleWidth .ScaleWidth = 24 .ScaleHeight = 24 Label1.Move (Me.ScaleWidth – Label1.Width) / 2, (Me.ScaleHeight – Label1.Height) / 2 HuaTu Me.Line (X, Y)-(X + 1, Y + 1), RGB(255, 255, 0), BF End IfEnd With1:End SubPrivate Sub Timer1_Timer()Dim C As Long, I As LongOn Error GoTo 2:QingChuC = UBound(She)Select Case She(C).FCase 0 If ZhuangTai(She(C).X – 1, She(C).Y) = 2 Then C = C + 1 ReDim Preserve She(C) She(C).F = She(C – 1).F She(C).X = She(C – 1).X – 1 She(C).Y = She(C – 1).Y ChanShengShiWu GoTo 1: ElseIf ZhuangTai(She(C).X – 1, She(C).Y) = 1 Then GoTo 2: End IfCase 1 If ZhuangTai(She(C).X, She(C).Y – 1) = 2 Then C = C + 1 ReDim Preserve She(C) She(C).F = She(C – 1).F She(C).X = She(C – 1).X She(C).Y = She(C – 1).Y – 1 ChanShengShiWu GoTo 1: ElseIf ZhuangTai(She(C).X, She(C).Y – 1) = 1 Then GoTo 2: End IfCase 2 If ZhuangTai(She(C).X + 1, She(C).Y) = 2 Then C = C + 1 ReDim Preserve She(C) She(C).F = She(C – 1).F She(C).X = She(C – 1).X + 1 She(C).Y = She(C – 1).Y ChanShengShiWu GoTo 1: ElseIf ZhuangTai(She(C).X + 1, She(C).Y) = 1 Then GoTo 2: End IfCase 3 If ZhuangTai(She(C).X, She(C).Y + 1) = 2 Then C = C + 1 ReDim Preserve She(C) She(C).F = She(C – 1).F She(C).X = She(C – 1).X She(C).Y = She(C – 1).Y + 1 ChanShengShiWu GoTo 1: ElseIf ZhuangTai(She(C).X, She(C).Y + 1) = 1 Then GoTo 2: End IfEnd SelectZhuangTai(She(0).X, She(0).Y) = 0For I = 0 To C Select Case She(I).F Case 0 She(I).X = She(I).X – 1 Case 1 She(I).Y = She(I).Y – 1 Case 2 She(I).X = She(I).X + 1 Case 3 She(I).Y = She(I).Y + 1 End SelectNextTiaoZheng1:GFangXiang = FalseZhuangTai(She(C).X, She(C).Y) = 1HuaTuExit Sub2:If MsgBox("游戏结束,点“是”重新开始游戏,点“否”", vbYesNo, "贪吃蛇") = vbYes Then ChuShiHuaElse EndEnd IfEnd SubPrivate Sub ChuShiHua()Me.ClsTimer1.Enabled = TrueTimer1.Interval = 200Erase ZhuangTaiReDim She(2)She(0).F = 2She(0).X = 9She(0).Y = 11ZhuangTai(9, 11) = 1She(1).F = 2She(1).X = 10She(1).Y = 11ZhuangTai(10, 11) = 1She(2).F = 2She(2).X = 11She(2).Y = 11ZhuangTai(11, 11) = 1HuaTuChanShengShiWuEnd SubPrivate Sub QingChu()Dim I As LongFor I = 0 To UBound(She) Me.Line (She(I).X, She(I).Y)-(She(I).X + 1, She(I).Y + 1), Me.BackColor, BFNextEnd SubPrivate Sub HuaTu()Dim I As LongFor I = 0 To UBound(She) Me.Circle (She(I).X + 0.5, She(I).Y + 0.5), 0.49, RGB(255, 255, 0), , , HWBNextEnd SubPrivate Sub TiaoZheng()Dim I As LongFor I = 0 To UBound(She) – 1 She(I).F = She(I + 1).FNextEnd SubPrivate Sub ChanShengShiWu()Randomize Timer1:X = Int(Rnd * 24)Y = Int(Rnd * 24)If ZhuangTai(X, Y) > 0 Then GoTo 1:ZhuangTai(X, Y) = 2Me.Line (X, Y)-(X + 1, Y + 1), RGB(255, 255, 0), BFEnd Sub

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