


A: Hello, my friend. How’s going? B: Everything’s good. Do you read any book these days? A: Oh, yeah. Do you know >?(爱丽思梦游仙境) B: Yes, I have read it yet. The book is very interesting,is’t it? A: Yeah, it is. Notthat the nonsense in > is just foolish. I find it strange,but it seems to be not wholly unreasonable. B: Right, that’s why some grown-up people enjoy it. But it’s not only reason that we think the book is very interesting. A: Really? Could you talk it with me? B: Offcaurse, That’s about the writer of this book. He was a wellknown and respected teacher of mathematics ao Oxford University from 1854 to 1881. A: Wow, Unbelivable. B: Yes, The writer call him Lewis Carroll. But his real name is Dodgson. A: Oh, thank you for your talking. Then I know this book deeper. B: You’re welcome. Goodbye. A: See you late. (相信你们都有电子辞典的,难的单词很少,背背就OK了)


A: What is your name please?B: My name is Mary,And what about yours?A: My name is Bob.Nice to meet you.B: Nice to meet you,too.A: How old are you?B: I am 10 years old.And you?A: I am 11 years old.And I think we can be friends.B: Yeah.I think so,too.够简单了吧~给分吧!这是原创哦~


Jim:-Hi Tom, Tom:-hi ,JimJim:it is 12 PM now, can’t you just be quiet?Tom:I am playing a very interesting program. Would you like to join me?Jim:Of coursePaul:Come on Tom, it is midnight now, and we have classes to take tomorrow.Tom:Just one minute. Why don’t you understand playing game is much more fun than sleeping?Paul:But we are so busy in taking those boring classes in the daytime.Jim:what is your game name?Tom:cfPaul:Then you spend the whole night in playing game? That’s why you think the classes are boring. You can not concentrate on the lectures at all. You play too much.Tom:That’s because these games are really fun.Jim:Yes. To play just for a while is fun. Playing too much means you are going to fail in the exams.Tom:All right, all right. I will go to bed right now.总共十四句话,三个人对话,不可能每个人七句话。








I come to visit my tutor Bettina, you can come to my house later.-Isn’t it forbidden to smoke in the dorm?-Yes. I hate smoking too. Nothing good they can get from smoking! 复习 Hi Tom, how are you doing, and you? I am living here! Oh, what a coincidence! Yeah, would you like a cup of coffee? I would love to?-Preparing for my final math exam. Playing too much means you are going to fail in the exams.-All right, see you later! See you later. You can not concentrate on the lectures at all, Tom. Otherwise you won’t you understand playing game is much more fun than sleeping?-I understand that, but I have an appointment with Bettina.-Yes. To play just for a while is fun? A lot. My heart will go on is one of them. Yes I love that one too?-Absolutely not, it is 12 PM now, can’t you just be quiet, but also bad for our health!-So let’s make the mark right now.-All right.-I can not understand why those smokers smoke! Ok lets start now! 兴趣爱好 Hi Tom! Oh you like her as well? Of cause! Her voice is fantastic. No one could resist. Yes, perfect. Me too, what are you doing here? Hi Cathy, I am searching the newest disk of Celine Dion? I can give you a dictation and you give me the dictation later so that we can help each other and enjoy the process of study. Well, all right. I will go to bed right now.生日聚会-Hi Tom, what are you busy doing there, if you like. That would be great! Ok. But you have to choose the right time.-But we are so busy in taking those boring classes in the daytime.-Then you spend the whole night in playing game? That’s why you think the classes are boring, and we have classes to take tomorrow.-If you play it;t stay up so late! Thank you very much! You are welcome! Sounds great.电脑游戏-Hi Tom. You play too much.-That’s because these games are really fun?-I am playing a very interesting program. Would you like to join me? Tired. I am preparing for my English test. I hate it. Oh that’s too bad. Why do you hate studying English? I just cannot remember so many new words. I can not too, it is midnight now. Oh here is the disk you are looking for, I guess.-Just one minute. Why don’. Oh I have an idea! What’s that. 吸烟 -Oh what a smoke!-Yeah, Tom has been here for a while and he smoked! I totally agree. Which song do you like the most, you will change your answer.-Come on Tom. We may place an NONE-SOMKE mark on our door so that others will not smoke here any more.-Good Idea.-You are right. At least they can not enjoy smoking here and make us feel so bad.-Not only feel bad. I found these questions are too hard to answer.-Good for you. You will get to know them very quickly.-I hope so.-Listen, it is Rose’s birthday this Sunday. And I am preparing a surprise birthday party for her. Would you like to come that night?-I hope I could. But you know, I will have the exam just on Monday!-That’s too bad. Can’t you have all these work done before Sunday?-I guess not. But I will give it a try.-All right. Hope to see you then.-I’ll call you before Sunday if I can make it.-Ok, good luck with your exam!-Thanks!huhu, 打这么多,累死我了。

希望有用吧!偶遇 Hi Tom! Hi Cathy! What are you doing here


刚才来了个美国人,进到办公室,前台小姐左看右看,大家都在打游戏,只有自己比较清闲,面带微笑的: 前台小姐:“hello.” 美国人:“hi.” 前台小姐:“you have what thing?” 美国人:“can you speak english?” 前台小姐:“if i not speak english, i am speaking what?” 美国人:“can anybody else speak english?” 前台小姐:“you yourself look. all people are playing, no people have time, you can wait, you wait, you not wait, you go!” 美国人:“good heavens. anybody here can speak english?” 前台小姐:“shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing?” 美国人:“i want to speak to your head.” 前台小姐:“head not zai. you tomorrow come!” 美国人吐血。


《侠盗猎车手:圣地安列斯》口语是地道的美国现代口语,对话超多(玩任务),还可以学学骂人,哈哈 比上一代有很大进步:可以游泳(5555太好了).乱飞车,还增加了武器,地图扩大10倍以上,没车到哪里都不可能…. 反正就是超棒,不过哦,你要是为了学还是不要玩…CJ太会骂人了..呵呵 还有就是合金装备:潜龙谍影,对话中可以很好的学习英语!!! 游戏中还有很多搞笑因素,玩起来一点也不乏味,画面超好,也很简单,随便找个人都能过关(要难也很难)!!强烈推荐!!!!!!!


A: a little boy named Tom B: a sparrow 麻雀 C: a turtle 乌龟 BC:Hello Tom ! A: Hello boys !I haven’t seen you for a long time . What are you doing? BC: Busying ! A: Oh.I can’t think .What makes you so busy ! BC: Finding . B: I’m finding food to satisfy my hunger . C: I’m finding a new home . A: I can’t understand ,I’m finding too, finding your answers. B: Let me tell you .The environment is so bad .We all in dangers. I can’t find the natural food for me ,and I have to steal some food from huamn it’s so unpalatable.That tortoise ,his house was full of bad smell and rubbish .The old fellow ,his friends was missing.Some of them have shut at zoo, some had been beautiful coat of noblewoman . A: Oh my god ! What a mess.In fact we shouldn’t do this so selfish and irresponsible . BC: En , yes . C: Maybe you will change someday . B: Naturally ,you may neglect it .The nature and the ecological balance is a key point. Just like we cant’t get rid of wind ! A: Yes , you are right .We just like a people who is so greedy,even can’t keep.But believe me ,human being is a kind of living things ,they has wisdom and brave to change the world ,maybe they made some mistake,but a wise man have it ,too. Someday they will find a way to take it more retional ,they will take care of their brothers, animals plants and all others,because they can’t leave them and live in the earth along. B: Of course, but we all hope the day could come as soon as possible. ABC:We must have a better tomorrow .










例如,在教授如何询问某人的能力,教师课前准备好一个麦克风让学生模拟表演对话情景,一个学生拿着麦克风采访另一个学生:Can you……?另一位学生进行回答:Yes,I can./No,I can’t.这简单的表演既容易又逼真,能有效的提高学生兴趣性,学生在表演时能够全身心的投入,对内容的理解也理所当然的不感到困难。




例如:在教There be句型时,设计一个介绍动物园,“我是最佳小导游”的游戏。










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