want are you want 游戏

want are you want 游戏

求电锯惊魂 我想和你玩个游戏 英语台词!

阿曼达篇Hello,Amanda.You don’t know me,but I know you.I want to play a game.Here’s what happens if you lose.The device you’re wearing is hooked into your upper and lower jaws.When the timer at the back goes off…your mouth will be permanently ripped open.Think of it like a reverse bear trap.Here,I’ll show you.Here’s only one key to open the device.It’s in the stomach of your dead cellmate.Look around,Amanda.Know that I’m not lying.You better hurry up.Live or die.Make your choice.你好,阿曼达.你不认识我,但我认识你.我想玩个游戏。


你就知道我没有在撒谎.你最好快点.是死是活,你自己选艾瑞克篇Hello,Eric.You probably don’t even remember me…but you changed my life once.You sent me to prison.I was guilty of a lot of things…but not the drug charge you framed me for.You wouldn’t know the things you lose…when you’re locked away.The second time somebody changed my life…I was guilty…But my life was saved that day.I found myself a father….a leader…a teacher.What’s the cure for cancer,Eric?The cure for death itself.The answer is immortality.By creating a legacy…by living a life worth remembering…you become immortal.So now we find that tables are turned.你好,哎力克.你可能甚至都不记得我…但是你从前曾经改变了我的生活.你把我送进监狱.很多事情我都后悔过…但不包括你编造在我身上的藏毒罪.你不知道如果你进监狱以后…你会损失什么.第二次有人改变了我的生活…我很后悔.但是我的生活也在那天被改变.我给自己找了一个父亲…一个引路人…一个老师.艾力克,什么才能治疗癌症?用死亡本身去治疗.答案是不朽.通过留下一些遗产…通过一些值得让人记住的生活…你会变得不朽.那么现在我们发现事情已经被颠倒杰夫篇Hello,Jeff.I made this tape as an insurance policy,if you will.And if you’re listening to it,the it’s time to collect.I was your final test of forgiveness.And if you’re listening to this,then you failed.Now you must pay the price…which for living for nothing but vengeance.Now I will give you something to live for.I told you that you couldn’t kill me,Jeff,but I didn’t tell you why,and the answer is simple.I am the person responsible for the loss of your child.I am the only person who knows where your daughter is.She only has a limited supply for air,Jeff,and if you want to get her back,you’ll have to play a game.你好,杰夫.我录制了这带子,以防万一.如果你现在正听这个的话,那就表示是时候收尾了.我是你宽恕之心的最终考验.但是如果你听到这个,那说明你失败了.现在你必须要付出代价…只为复仇而活所付出的代价.现在我要给你一些活下去的启示.我告诉过你,你不能杀我的,杰夫,但我没说过为什么,答案很简单,我是那个应该对你损失的孩子负责的人,我是唯一知道你女儿下落的人.她待的地方空气可没那么多,杰夫,而且,如果你想找回她,你就必须玩个游戏.凯莉篇Hello,Kerry.I want to play a game.Up until now you have spent your life among the dead piecing togather their final moments.You are good at this because you,like them,are also dead.Dead on the iside.You indentify more with a corpse than you do with a living human.I believe you want to join your true family,indeed,your only family,in deadth.The device you are wearing is hooked into your ribcage.And by the time this tape is finished,you will have one minute to find a way out.At the end of that minute,you should know better than anyone what happens then.There is a simple key that will unlock the harness,Kerry.It is right in front of you.All you have to do is reach in and take it.But do it quickly.The acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds.Make your choice.你好,凯莉.我想玩个游戏.至今,你的大部分生命都在和死人打交道,拼凑着他们生前的最后一刻.你擅长这个,因为你喜欢死人.或者说,你也死了,内心已死.和活人相比,你更像具冰冷的尸体.我相信,你想加入你真正的家庭,真正的,你唯一的家庭,死亡.你所穿的装置紧紧钩住了你的胸腔,并且,在这段录象播完后,你将有一分钟的时间去找出路.那一分钟结束后,你应该…比任何人都清楚会发生什么.那有一把小小的钥匙,可以打开这个器具,凯莉.它就在你面前.你所要做的就是把手伸进去并把它拿出来.但是要快一点.里面的酸剂会在几秒内把钥匙溶解.你自己选择吧.马克篇Hello,Mark,if you’re so sick…then why do I have so many photos of you up and about?Let’s put your so-called illness to the test.Right now,there’s a slow-acting poison in your veins.The antidote is inside the safe.The combination to the safe…is writen on the wall.Hurry up and program it in.But watch your step.By the way,that’s flamma…

what are you want? live or life

中文名称:What You Got 所属专辑:《Colby O》 发行时间:2008年2月26日 歌曲原唱:Colby O’Donis,Akon 歌词: Konvict, Konvict 有罪, 有罪 Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh Oooh (Verse 1:) Colby O’Donis I peeped you on the phone 我偷偷看你打电话 Just showing off you stones 而你是为了炫耀一下手指上的钻石 And notice that pinky ring is right enough baby 宝贝,我注意到了粉红色的戒指 I know you’re not alone 我知道你并不寂寞 But I could just be wrong 但可能我错了 The way them fell as hounding and sizing you up baby 小伙子们也追求它们,同时他们把话题转移到了你身上 (Hook:) And I like the way you take advantage of every man you love 我喜欢你从男人那得到自己想要的一切的手法 I see, I seem to know your game girl 我知道你只是在游戏人生 But I don’t mind if you come and play with us just don’t talk too much但我不介意你来玩,只是不要说得太多了 I see, you’re so cute you don’t have to say a word 我什么都知道,所以你不必说了 See those guys wanna come treat you right 那些家伙一直想要和你共进晚餐 Cause you’re sweeter than apple pie 你比那苹果派甜美多了 Everything that you want you got 你想要什么就有什么 Girl you know that you need to stop 女孩,你必须得停下来 Most beautiful thing in sight 你眼里那些所谓美丽的东西 Always taking on the spotlight 都是在聚光灯的照射下 Always in the club looking hot 都是在夜店里才会显得如此的火辣 Girl you know that you need to stop 女孩,你必须得停下来 (Chorus:) Always talking bout what you got (Eh)总是谈论你得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)得到了什么 Girl you know that you need to stop (Eh)女孩,你必须得停下来 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)总是谈论你得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)得到了什么 Girl you know that you need to stop (Eh)女孩,你必须得停下来 (Verse 2:) Colby O’Donis Girl I can tell you want something to love 女孩,我告诉你,你应该热爱生活 That’s why you hold on to everything that pass you by 那就是为什么每件事你都要亲自去做 Can’t resist girl one can’t lie 不要沉默,也不要说谎 Now tell if you are here for me 现在就告诉我,你是为了我在这 Or everybody watching you shake from left to right 还是为了别人看到舞池里舞动的你 The way you move got me hypnotized 但不管怎样,你的一举一动都让我着迷 (Hook:) The way you take advantage of every man you love 你从男人那得到自己想要的一切 I see, I seem to know your game girl 我知道你只是在游戏人生 But I don’t mind if you come and play you thug just don’t talk too much 但我不介意你来玩,只是不要说得太多了 I see, you’re so cute you don’t have to say a word 我什么都知道,所以你不必说了 See all those guys wanna come treat you right 那些家伙一直想要和你共进晚餐 Cause you’re sweeter than apple pie 你比那苹果派甜美多了 Everything that you want you got 你想要什么就有什么 Girl you know that you need to stop 女孩,你必须得停下来 Most beautiful thing in sight 你眼里那些所谓美丽的东西 Always taking on the spotlight 都是在聚光灯的照射下 Always in the club looking hot 都是在夜店里才会显得如此的火辣 Girl you know that you need to stop 女孩,你必须得停下来 (Chorus:) Always talking bout what you got (Eh)总是谈论你得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Eh)得到了什么 Girl you know that you need to stop (Eh)女孩,你必须得停下来 Always talking bout what you got (Oooh Eh)总是谈论你得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Oooh Eh)得到了什么 Always talking bout what you got (Oooh Eh)得到了什么 Girl you know that you need to stop (Eh)女孩,你必须得停下来 (Verse 3:) Akon I can’t keep my eyes away from you girl when you get on the floor and do what you do 在你进入舞池不管你做什么我都不能把目光从你身上移开 And everybody wanna come back to that body and kind of remind myself I’m like you 而每一个人却都想回来,通过别人或是别的什么提醒着自己,"我喜欢你" Be sure that type drive a man crazy and snatch him away from his lady 你是那种让男人疯狂,并从他女朋友身边挖来 No matter how hard the man hold back he’ll end up calling you baby 不管什么样的艰难险阻,他都会抛弃一切,主动约你 And they never really know what to do once you expose that thing you do他们不知道你曾经做了什么,现在又在做什么 You had him crawling on hands and knees and ya find a way to get him out that cheese 他趴在地上下贱地向你爬来,你要甩开这些讨厌的家伙 And why you thinking that you the only dude she off in the mall livin…


Mother I want to tell you,in fact,you are very beautiful.Although you for I bear bitter hardships,forget your dress,but you put a shining eyes,flawless skin,in my eyes are so beautiful.Mother I want to tell you,thank you!Buy books for me,and I play games,study,reading in the evening with me,I know you have a lot of things waiting for you to do,but you’re always saying:I’m fine.Mother I want to tell you,I’m really glad to have a mother like you.The other children ‘s mother is always the children make demands.Holiday must this class the class,you are always in accordance with my interest,never forced me to do this and that.Your holiday also took me to visit many places,broaden my horizons,but also increase my knowledge.You are so patient,so kind,when I do something wrong,you can always kindly said to me:" you are great,you’ll do better,you are a good child!"You are also my good example,when you take me to donate blood,when you lead the project hope child home,when you walk on the road had to pick up the rubbish on the ground and throw rubbish in the bin ….I feel like you are always ready to help others in a pair of hands,you said that to help others is a happy,you said with a smile:" helping others is both sweet cane",make me in virtually have quite much feeling.Mom,I want to say to you …妈妈我想对你说,其实你很漂亮.虽然你为了我而含辛茹苦,忘记了自己的打扮,可你放着光彩的眼睛、无暇的皮肤,在我眼里是那样美丽. 妈妈我想对你说,为我买书,和我做游戏,陪我夜晚读书、学习,我知道你也有好多事情等着你去做,但你总说:我没事. 妈妈我想对你说,我真的高兴有你这样的妈妈.别的小孩的妈妈总是对孩子要求这要求那.假日里必须上这班上那班,你总是按照我的兴趣来,从不逼我去干这干那.您假日里也带着我去了好多地方旅游,开阔了我的眼界,无形中也增长了我的知识.你总是那样耐心、那样亲切,当我做错了事情,你也总是和蔼地对我说:你会做得更好的,你是好孩子!” 您也是我的好榜样,当你带着我去献血,当你领着希望工程的小孩来咱家,当你走在路上无意地去拾起地上的垃圾并扔在垃圾桶里…….我感觉你好象总是有一双在准备帮助别人的双手,你说帮助别人自己也是快乐的,你笑着说:“帮助别人是两头都甜的甘蔗”,使我在无形中有颇多的感受. 妈妈,我想对你说…

有一首英文歌开头是Are you ready?是哪首

remember the nameYou ready?! Lets go! Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we’re all about It’s like this y’all (c’mon!) 准备好了?一起来吧! 为了那些想知道我们都是什么样的人 就像这样 [Chorus] This is ten percent luck, Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure, Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember the name! 10%的运气 20%的技巧 15%的集中注意力 5%的欢愉 50%的痛苦 和100%地记住这个名字 [Mike] Mike He doesn’t need his name up in lights He just wants to be heard whether it’s the beat or the mic He feels so unlike everybody else, alone In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him But fuck em, he knows the code It’s not about the salary It’s all about reality and making some noise Makin the story – makin sure his clique stays up That means when he puts it down Tak’s pickin it up! let’s go! Mike 他不需要他的名字闪耀光芒 他只希望他的声音通过节奏或者麦克被人们听到 他的感觉和每个人都不一样 尽管事实上有些人仍然认为他们了解他 但他们错了 他知道规则 不是关于薪水 都是关于现实 那么来点欢呼 写下一个故事 确信他的团队还在 就是说 当他写完 Tak接下去 [Tak] Who the hell is he anyway? He never really talks much Never concerned with status but still leavin them star struck Humbled through opportunities given to him despite the fact That many misjudge him because he makes a livin from writin raps Put it together himself, now the picture connects Never askin for someone’s help, or to get some respect He’s only focused on what he wrote, his will is beyond reach And now when it all unfolds, the skill of an artist 他到底是怎样的人? 他从来话都不多 也从不关心什么身份地位 虽然人们都崇拜他 他谦逊地等待机会的到来 尽管很多人都误解他 因为他以创作rap为生 他自己把歌曲组合 于是画面展现 他从不寻求别人的帮助 或者为了获得什么尊重 他只专注于他的创作 他的意志超越了极限 现在一切都呈现出 一个艺术家的技巧 [Ryu] This is twenty percent skill Eighty percent beer Be a hundred percent clear cause Ryu is ill Who would’ve thought that he’d be the one to set the west in flames And I heard him wreckin with The Crystal Method, "Name Of The Game" Came back dropped Megadef, took em to church I like bleach man, why you had the stupidest verse? This dude is the truth, now everybody givin him guest spots His stock’s through the roof I heard he’s fuckin’ with S. Dot! 这是20%的技巧 80%的啤酒 100%明显的Ryu很棒 他曾想成为燃烧西部的一个人物 我听说他和Crystal Method乐队创作了歌曲《游戏之名》 回来之后发行了专辑《Megadaf》,去教堂祈祷吧 我喜欢《bleach》这首歌,伙计,你的歌词怎么这么愚蠢? 对!(但是)现在每个人都请他(Ryu)合作 他的人气直线上升 我怎么听说他正和Jay-Z一起工作 [Chorus] [Ryu] They call him Ryu, he’s sick And he’s spittin fire with Mike Got him out the dryer he’s hot Found him in Fort Minor with Tak What a fuckin’ nihilist porcupine He’s a prick, he’s a cock The type woman want to be with, and rappers hope he get shot Eight years in the makin, patiently waitin to blow Now the record with Shinoda’s takin over the globe He’s got a partner in crime, his shit is equally dope You wont believe the kind of shit that comes out of this kid’s throat 他们说 Ryu他很棒 他正和Mike一起‘喷火’ 看得出他现在很火 在Fort Minor里和Tak一起配合 什么他妈的 他是个*巴 这类型的女人喜欢,说唱乐手希望他被枪杀 8年的‘修炼’,耐心地等待着爆发 现在和正Shinoda带着专辑走向国际 他和搭档一起,做出的东西酷毙 你不会相信这样(棒)的歌曲出自他的口中 [Tak] Tak He’s not your everyday on the block He knows how to work with what he’s got Makin his way to the top He often gets a comment on his name People keep askin him was it given at birth Or does it stand for an acronym? No he’s livin proof, Got him rockin the booth He’ll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice Him and his crew are known around as one of the best Dedicated to what they do and give a hundred percent Tak 他不像你们每天在街头晃悠 他知道如何利用他所得到的 用他的方式达到顶峰 他常听到对他名字作出的评论 人们不断地问他出生就有 还是象征一种简称? 不,他就是这样生活,人们都欣赏他的歌曲 他的语言会让你沉醉 他和他的伙计组成众所周知的最棒的团队之一 一心一意为他们所做的付出100%的努力 [Mike] Forget Mike Nobody really knows how or why he works so hard It seems like he’s never got time Because he writes every note and he writes every line And I’ve seen him at work when that light goes on in his mind It’s like a design is written in his head every time …

求love game 歌手Licana 的歌词

licana的《love game》歌词:歌曲:love game 所属专辑:LIFE 演唱人:Licana Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick I wanna kiss you But if I do then I might miss you, babe It’s complicated and stupid Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid Guess he wants to play, wants to play A love game, a love game Hold me and love me Just wanna touch you for a minute Baby three seconds isn’t enough For my heart to quit it Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick Don’t think too much just bust that kick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game? Doin’ the love game Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game? Doin’ the love game I’m on a mission And it involves some heavy touching, yeah You’ve indicated your interest, I’m educated in sex, yes And now I want it bad, want it bad A love game, a love game Hold me and love me Just want touch you for a minute Baby three seconds isn’t enough For my heart to quit it Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick Don’t think too much just bust that kick I wanna take a ride on your disco stick Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game? Doin’ the love game Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game? Doin’ the love game I can see you staring there from across the block With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your huh!The story of us, it always starts the same With a boy and a girl and a huh and a game And a game, and a game, and a game, a love game Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game? Doin’ the love game Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game? Doin’ the love game Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game?(Let’s have some fun, this beat is sick) Doin’ the love game(I wanna take a ride on your disco stick) Let’s play a love game, play a love game Do you want love or you want fame?Are you in the game?(Don’t think too much just bust that kick) Doin’ the love game(I wanna take a ride on your disco stick) Doin’ the love game


Let’s have some fun this beat is sick 让我们有一些乐趣,我的心不舒服.I wanna take a ride on your disco stick 我想要乘坐你的的士棒.I wanna kiss you 我想要吻你,But if i do then i might miss you babe 但如果我这样做的话我会想念你,宝贝!It’s complicated and stupied 它的复杂性和愚蠢.Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid 我的屁股挤压性感丘比特.Guess he wants to play wants to play 我猜他想要玩,想要玩 A love game a love game 一场爱情游戏,一场爱情游戏 Hold me and love me 抱紧我和爱我.Just wanna touch you for a minute 只是想抚摸你一分钟.Baby three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it 也许三秒就足够让我的心退出.Let’s have some fun this beat is sick 让我们有一些乐趣,我的心不舒服.I wanna take a ride on your disco stick 我想要乘坐你的的士棒.Don’t think too much just bust that stick 不要想太多,只要玩得疯就好.I wanna take a ride on your disco stick 我想要乘坐你的的士棒.Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 I’m on a mission 我在执行一个任务,And it involves some heavy touching yeah 它涉及到一些重的触摸,是的!You’ve indicated your interst 你已经表明你的兴趣,I’m educated in sex yes 我的性别教育,是的!And now I want it bad want it bad 现在我想要使坏,想要使坏 A love game a love game 一场爱情游戏,一场爱情游戏 Hold me and love me 抱紧我和爱我.Just wanna touch you for a minute 只是想抚摸你一分钟.Baby three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it 也许三秒就足够让我的心退出.Let’s have some fun this beat is sick 让我们有一些乐趣,我的心不舒服.I wanna take a ride on your disco stick 我想要乘坐你的的士棒.Don’t think too much just bust that stick 不要想太多,只要玩得疯就好.I wanna take a ride on your disco stick 我想要乘坐你的的士棒.Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 I can see you staring there from across the block 我可以看到你在这里的闪耀来自各地 With a smile on your mouth and your hand on your huh!你的嘴上露出微笑和你的手在你的嗬 The story of us it always starts the same 我们的故事出发点总是相同 With a boy and a girl and a huh and a game 一个男孩和一个女孩和一个(嗬)和一场游戏!And a game 和一场游戏!And a game 和一场游戏!And a game 和一场游戏!A love game 一场爱情游戏!Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Let’s have some fun this beat is sick 让我们有一些乐趣,我的心不舒服.Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 I wanna take a ride on your disco stick 我想要乘坐你的的士棒 Let’s play a love game play a love game 一起来玩一场爱情游戏,玩一场爱情游戏 Do you want love or you want fame 你想要爱,或者你想要成名 Are you in that game 你在这游戏中?Don’t think too much just bust that stick 不要想太多,只要玩得疯就好.Doin’ the love game 通过这爱情游戏 I wanna take a ride on your disco stick Doin the love game 我想要乘坐你的的士棒在爱情游戏里



那么直白了… 亲爱的,你好吗? 我很烦,因为有些话不能对你说出来。

















初中七年级下册英语试题 听 力 部 分(25分)Ⅰ.听录音,给下列图画标出序号.(1-5) (5 分 ) A B C D E 1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )Ⅱ.听录音.选择相应的回答.( 10分)( )6.A.He is flying a plane. B. He is flying a kite. C. He likes flying a plane( )7.A.She is reading English. B. She is reading a Chinese book C. She is reading an English book ( )8.A.They’re wearing a blue trousers and blouse. B. They’re wearing blue blouses and trousers. C. They’re wearing green trousers and a blouse( )9.A. One. B. Two. C. Three ( )10.A. At home. B. At school. C. In his classroom. Ⅲ.听短文,填入所缺单词. ( 10 分 ) I can’t (1) the idea that old people have no right to be (2). So I like ring, scarves and (3). I wear (4) clothes because I want to be young and beautiful. I enjoy praise about my good appearance. I don’t (5) what young people think of me!笔 试 部 分( 105分 )IⅤ.选择填空. ( 20分)( )1.Where _______ Linda and Tina come from? A. do B. are C. does( )2. We went to Hainan Island on May Day and had great fun_______ in the sea.A. swim B. swimming C. to swim( )3._________ other movies do you like? A.W hat B. Why C. How( )4. ———What are you? ———I’m _____________. A: drinking some tea B.OK C. a cleaner( )5.Let’s ___________ our lesson. A. starts B. to start C. start ( )6.Everyone ________ listening to him now. A. do B. is C. are ( )7.Mary likes ______ glasses. A. putting on B. in C. wearing ( )8.Our Chinese teacher has a beautiful___________. A. good-looking B. look C. hat ( )9.They would like _________ to school by car. A. go B. to go C. going( )10.Jim ______ stand the boring lessons. I can’t stand them,________. A .can’t; either B. can’t too C. can ; too( )11.Kate doesn’t agree _________ the teacher. A. to B. on C. with( )12.The ________ woman has three daughters and two sons. A. forty years old B. forty-year-old C. forty-years-old( )13. —–_______do you think of the movie? —–It’s boring, I don’t like it.A. What B. Why C. How( )14.Tom’s father enjoyed________ English songs. A. listening B. listening to C. to listen( )15.My brother often __________ some things after school. A. makes B. does C. exercises ( )16.My father ¬¬¬¬________ the article yesterday. A. look B. reads C. read ( )17.Tom ________ carefully but __________ nothing. A. listen; hear B. listened; heard C. heard; listened ( )18.——_________ do you like Fuyuan? ——Because ________ is my hometown. A. Why ;it B. What; they C. How ; it ( )19.Please go _______ this road and________ right. You can find the supermarket. A. down; turn to B. along; turn C. straight; turn( )20.The snow is very ___________.. A. heavy B. heavily C. bigV.补全对话.(10分)A. Where were you born? B: Why did you move there? C. How are you? D. When were you born? E. How long did you live there? Lin Peng: Hello, Bill ! Nice to meet you. _____________(1) Bill: Fine, thank you. And you? Lin Peng: I’m fine too. Can I ask you some questions? Bill: Certainly! Lin Peng: _________________(2)Bill: On February 18,1981. Lin Peng: _________________(3)Bill: I was born in New York, the USA. Lin Peng: __________________(4)Bill: For about twelve years. Then we moved to Canada.Lin Peng: ___________________(5)Bill: Because we wanted to find a job there.Lin Peng: Nice talking to you. Goodbye.VI..用所给词的适当形式填空.(10分)1.What about ______________ (have) a rest?2. He __________(do) some exercises every day.3.Did you go ____________ (shop) with mom yesterday? 4.He ____________ (play) basketball with us now.5.You can’t __________ (talk) in class.VII.完形填空. (15分) 阅读短文,然后从各题所给的答案中选择最佳的,把序号填在括号中.Today is our first day in Central Middle School. It is a large 1 beautiful school. Mr. Johnson is 2 . But Ms Laurent is very 3 . We have too 4 school 5 . We 6 wear bracelets(手镯), sunglasses 7 earrings. But I can’t live 8 my charm(护身符) bracelet. We have to wear school 9 on school days. But I can’t 10 the color of our uniform. We have to 11 English and Chinese every morning. But I don’t have time to 12 my violin. We have to 13 homework. We have to 14 hard. We have no time to 15 basketball.( )1.A. or B. and C. with( )2.A. friend B. fun C. friendly ( )3.A. serious B. well C. good( )4.A. many B. much C. little( )5.A. things B. rulers C. rules( )6.A. have B. can’t C. don’t( )7.A. and B. with C. or( )8.A. without B. with C. no( )9.A. hat B. uniform C .bag ( )10.A. like B. stand C. see( )11. A. look B. see C. read( )12. A. practice B. read C. clean( )13. A. much B. many C. do( )14. A. talk B. play C. study( )15. A….


I don’t know what’s your dream, I don’t care you toward the dreams had met what kind of difficulties. That your heart thinking and thinking in the dream, she is likely, although you may think she is too difficult. She is not simple, it is difficult to change your life, in the process of striving for dreams, you will meet the failure of the countless, countless, countless pain, you will have questioned his own time, will ask god why this is my destiny.I just want to look after children, my parents, and not to steal to rob, why such a thing could happen to me? Have encountered difficulties, don’t give up your dream, difficult days will come, but they always will be the past, great achievement not unrealistic, not like god only when got remarkable talent. She is really exist is that each of us in the heart, the important thing is that you have to believe in, you can do it.Most people married, day after day and then die of old age, they stop growing, stop exercising, stop trying to surpass himself, and then there are those who love complaining but don’t try to change the status, most people don’t want to strive for their dreams.Why is that?One reason is the fear of failure, "one thousand things than expected?" Is the fear of success, "I don’t have the ability to control after one thousand success?" They don’t want to take risks, you spend a lot of time to communication with others, want to let others like you, do you know other people more than the self-understanding, you watch them, know everything, they want to talk to them in a piece of, become just like them.But do you know? Spent so much time on them, and eventually lost self.I want you to learn to get along with his candid if you want to achieve a dream, you must remove your heart lu snake (loser), the men of his own dreams, life can have very different special significance. When you find yourself, slowly you will be different with others, began to have their own characteristics. But if you only know to follow others steps and imitate others, you will never become the strongest imitators, but you can be the best himself. I want you to find their own value, others can’t see, can’t participate in, will expand horizons for you This is you have to know.You are unique, I want you to meet like-minded people, eager for success, hard work, those who want to create life, get along with a dream, a dream of people know: in your success. If you want to have more achievements, if you want to do some had never done before, that you have to invest oneself, must invest in yourself, don’t let the prejudices of others become a part of your reality, not holding the mentality of victims through life, even if you met a daunting thing, also want to know you can do it, even if other people don’t believe, you also should have confidence This is what I believe, to die!No matter how bad situation, how dangerous in the future, I can do it, I want to represent a belief, represents a possibility that some of you may be thinking to be more a layer, want to have my own association, want to be engineers or doctors, believe that I can’t get you, you can’t get you think of hierarchy, unless you start to cultivate your own heart.You simply doesn’t even have the habit of reading, I want you to listen to a speech, taking time, get along with yourself, and spent an hour trying to understand myself, until you find yourself. When you live out the self, to live out their own the fate, when you are a unique individual, you will be with the people around is different, I want you to do what others don’t want you to reach others don’t want to listen to your domain, because then you won’t be all day thinking about how to please them, because you want to be different, you want to the next level.I want you to cultivate your own heart, if you are still talking about your dreams, also talking about your goals, but it didn’t do anything, then you have to make the first move, first you can make your parents proud, let your school pride, you can have touched the lives of one million people, the world will be because of you, because you choose this road, don’t let other people ruin your dream.In others refused or from time to time, or in a meeting you are releasing doves, or trust someone made you failed to live up to its promise, even if their own state of mind makes you stop again and again lost no power, or repeatedly every day thinking about your dream, then he said to his game isn’t over, until I win.You can realize your dream!!!!! You can be.我不知道你有什么样的梦想,我不在乎你朝着梦想前进时曾遇上什么样的困难。



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